The process is simple, easy, and there is no charge to file. The help of a seasoned debt collection attorney is the only reason why you will ever be required to file a wage garnishment. There are many ways to prevent debt collection agencies from garnishing your wages, and most of the methods work equally as well as others. Contact a Wage Garnishment Attorney today!


Many people ask how they can successfully avoid a debt collection process. To help with this, a debt collection attorney at the Law Offices of Michael L. Sibla have outlined these important tips to help you and your family.


You have probably been contacting debt collectors trying to resolve the problem. The only way you can resolve a debt collection problem is to communicate with the collection agency, not the person who owes you money. The debtor must take ownership of the debt and agree to a settlement offer. Debt collection agencies know that if they do not collect the debt, they will be held liable for it. Debt collectors only send letters or make phone calls when they have a problem. They don’t need your permission.


Stop communicating with debt collectors by writing to or calling them at the debtor’s address. This will make it more difficult for them to collect on the debt. Most collection agencies work to resolve the debt as quickly as possible, so they will most likely contact the debtor at his or her work address. You will likely receive collection letters by mail, but collection calls are usually made by phone, so even if you change your phone number, you might still get the same collection calls. The best advice is to get a new telephone number and stay away from the debtor. You may consider buying a new cell phone or using an unlisted phone number, such as calling collect. In any event, you should not agree to pay a settlement, or make arrangements to do so, over the phone, letter, or through the mail.


Stop communicating with debt collectors by sending them settlement letters at their business address. Debt collectors are usually not employed by the debtors, and they do not want to run the risk of getting fired if they don’t collect money they do not own. As a result, they are much more willing to take the debtor’s money. You should be aware that debt collectors will likely have a legitimate business address where they conduct their business. While you may think you are protecting your privacy, they will most likely want to know where you live as well. You may want to send your settlement correspondence to a third-party service so they can have a legitimate address for sending you settlement notices and letters. This will also allow them to contact you if they have further questions.


Stop communicating with debt collectors by calling them at the debtor’s business number. A phone call will certainly tell the debt collector where you are located. Make sure your first call is to the debt collection agency itself. Contacting the debtor directly will likely result in the debt collection agency taking over the call and asking to speak to you directly.


Stop communicating with debt collectors by telling them that you will communicate with them. It is always your right to talk to debt collectors, even when you are not in a good position to pay. But you will want to do it by mail, not over the phone. If the debt collector will not take no for an answer, it is best to send them a letter that asks them to leave you alone. This will make sure you are dealing with people that are truly in a position to help you. If they don’t take no for an answer, follow up with a letter saying that if they have further questions, they may be able to contact you by mail.


You can also call debt collectors and ask them to stop contacting you. The collections agency will want to know what they are being contacted about. If they are being contacted about a specific debt, they will likely need the name of the creditor. The collections agency will then notify the creditor that you are in an effort to settle this debt. If the creditor is being paid monthly and they have not received payment for over 30 days, the collections agency will send you an informal notice telling you that the debt is now referred to an attorney.


The process is simple, easy, and there is no charge to file. The help of a seasoned debt collection attorney is the only reason why you will ever be required to file a wage garnishment. There are many ways to prevent debt collection agencies from garnishing your wages, and most of the methods work equally as well as others.

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