You could go to tax settlement attorney or the opposite direction with an insurance lawyer and see what type of results you might get. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Our Services

If you are a business owner who has experienced a disaster, call us today and let our team walk you through your options and get you on the road to recovery!

We would like to thank our law firm colleagues who work diligently to help provide a strong voice for our clients’ interests. Below are some other professionals that we believe can contribute to your case in a successful and effective manner. Please give us a call today!


Insurance lawyers are an integral part of our team. After all, insurance is a significant aspect of business, personal, and real estate law. We understand the relationship between the insured and the insurance provider. It’s not only important that our insurance lawyers have a fundamental knowledge of insurance matters, it’s essential that they have a keen understanding of insurance policy language and terms. Additionally, they are experienced in all aspects of insurance law, and have the skill and knowledge to represent their clients in the most effective and practical manner possible.

Credentialed and trained, our insurance attorneys have years of experience handling cases of all sizes. Our attorneys work with insurance carriers and agents to resolve claims in the most effective and practical manner possible. Additionally, our insurance lawyers are skilled in working with insurance carriers and agents. We can provide you with up-to-date information about how to maximize your claim, and offer tips on how to maximize your insurance claim.

We are a proud member of the following associations:

National Association of Justice, Pennsylvania Association of Defense Counsel and National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys.

Contact Us Today!

To learn more about our firm, you can contact us today by calling 856-350-5222 or completing our online form. To ensure that your claim is handled as expediently as possible, we make the process as simple as possible. We will work with you to determine which of your medical costs you would like to contest. And, we will work on your behalf to collect and submit any evidence that will be of use to your case. Call us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your case, or to help you get started.

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For more details about how tax settlement attorneys might help with your own case, call(888)489-4889 for a free consultation today.

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