On the value of such property that shall become due or become payable after the date on which the amendments to this Act shall be in force and before the day of assessment for the year in which the value of the property is assessed.”
The amendments made by this Act take effect from its assent, and are not to be made by any other means. The Act of 1854, the first and second of which have just been passed, contains the following sections.
The first reads :
“The Board of Revenue shall, in every instance, have the control and management of all property, real and personal, held in their own hands, and shall annually make and publish such reports as will assist them in discharging their duties ; and for that purpose such reports, in their respective divisions, shall be held up to the public for inspection upon the commencement of each year, at a time to be fixed by the Board of Revenue in each Division; provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the property in the districts of West Jersey, and Cumberland, which are under the direction of the Legislature, nor to the lands of the United States, nor to the funds under the management of the federal government, nor to the properties in the hands of the county treasurers of the respective counties and incorporated cities.”
The second of these sections is as follows :
“The property in the counties of Bergen and Hunterdon shall be valued annually by the Board of Revision ; and the report of the Board of Revision shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Review.”
“The property in the counties of Allegheny and Washington shall be valued annually by the Board of Revision ; and the report of the Board of Revision shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Review.”
“The property in the counties of West Jersey and Monmouth, and the property in the counties of Ocean and Burlington, shall be valued annually by the Board of
Review ; and the report of the Board of Review shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Revision.”
“The property in the counties of Essex, and Middlesex, shall be valued annually by the Board of Revision ; and the report of the Board of Review shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Revision.”
The first of the above sections (those relating to Bergen and Hunterd. . . . D. d. and to the county of Monmouth) will therefore come to a close in the next year.
“The property in the counties of Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Cumberland shall be valued annually by the Board of Rev reaction ; and the report of the Board of Revision shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Review.”
“The property in the counties of Passaic, Bergen, and Essex shall be valued annually by the Board of Revision ; and the report of the Board of Revision shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Review.”
“The property in the counties of Madison and Ulster shall be valued annually by the Board of Revision ; and the report of the Board of Review shall be made to the County Surveyor, and to the Board of Revision.”
The fourth section which relates to these countries is as follows :
“The boards aforesaid shall be composed of three persons each, to be chosen at large by the people of the county, one from the County Board of Free- holders, one from the Board of Auditors, and one from theBoard of Assessment.
“The members of the board of freeholders shall each be paid a salary of fifty dollars for the year, and the members of the board of assessment shall each be paid a salary of thirty dollars for the year ; and the members of the board of auditors shall each be paid a salary of twenty-five dollars for the year ; and such salaries shall be paid by the County Treasurer in the same manner as the salaries of the county treasurer are now paid ; and such salaries shall be appropriated by the General Assembly.”
It has been enacted, by virtue of the Act of 1854, that the members of the board of revision in the counties of West Jersey and Cumberland, in the counties of Monmouth and Ocean, in the counties of Allegany and Washington, and in the counties of Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Cumberland, shall be appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, and the remaining members of said boards shall be appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, and by the Governor of New York. The County Surveyor and the Board of Revision of the counties of Essex and Madiddlesex shall be appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, and by the Governor of New York.
The members of the Board of Assessment in the counties of Sussex, Warren, and Somerset, shall be appointed by the Governor of New Jersey. The members of the Board of Assessment in the counties of Bergen and Hunterdon, and in the counties of Essex, and Middlesex, shall be appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, and by the Governor of New York, and such members shall also be appointed in the same manner as is provided for the members of the board of revision in the counties of Monmouth, Ocean, Allegany, and Washington.
It is further enacted, that while the Act shall remain in force, the Governor shall not appoint any more than the number of the members of the Board of Revision, and the Governor shall appoint only such county auditors and county surveyors in the respective counties as were appointed by the Legislature at the last session, without the County Board of Freeholders. The General Assembly will therefore, in the next session, have authority to make further appointments in the respective Counties.