Thinking about doing business with OptimaTax? This is some information provided by an anonymous tax industry insider to us:

Optimatax is one tax debt settlement company we have ever worked with. We have an attorney who has worked on tax debt matters for over 30 years. We have NEVER seen someone treat our attorney and clients so poorly. They are in the process of taking our money that we worked hard to earn. Taxpayers should be very careful. This company may look “legit” but the truth is that they are a company that is designed to deceive and scam other small businesses and entrepreneurs out of money. We have filed a complaint with the attorney general and they are conducting an investigation. We are very concerned with this company’s treatment of attorneys and clients. It is an absolute embarrassment. A company that will tell a client, “you are a loser because you have debt”, “You should have taken care of your credit issues years ago” “You will never get out of this” “It is not your fault, it is society’s fault” etc. This is the truth… but who needs the truth when they can just pay someone to take their money? A very bad experience for all involved. Beware.

Instead of choosing an untrusted company calls us today! We find you a company that specializes in the following:

The most effective tax debt relief program is tax debt relief.

You can get rid of all the problems related to your tax debts with us.

Our service is fast and reliable. We work hard to eliminate the problems related to tax debts and to put the debt-free life on your terms. You will never get tired of us.

You can rest easy as you know that your tax debt relief is complete. You will never have to worry about your bad credit.

You will always be in the forefront as we always keep you in the loop.

We can provide tax debt relief to taxpayers who have suffered huge losses due to bankruptcy, IRS, and tax debts. You are in need of tax debt relief? Contact us today!

Most Trusted News Source on federal and state tax debt.

Connect you with the most experienced tax attorney.