IRS Lien consultant in the field of personal property taxes lien sales to assist clients with preparation, filing and resolution of lien sales.

The IRS assesses and collects taxes through individual and business returns, bank deposits, withholding, and by filing lien liens against real estate and personal property for taxes and penalties. Our firm will work closely with the IRS to address the needs of the IRS, taxpayers, and other entities. Whether the IRS is pursuing a lien sale, a third party has purchased a lien or an independent contractor is preparing a lien, our firm can provide accurate advice and assistance to address the tax liabilities and provide you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of the tax system.

IRS Lien consultant in the field of personal property taxes lien sales to assist clients with preparation, filing and resolution of lien sales.

The IRS assesses and collects taxes through individual and business returns, bank deposits, withholding, and by filing lien liens against real estate and personal property for taxes and penalties. Our firm will work closely with the IRS to address the needs of the IRS, taxpayers, and other entities. Whether the IRS is pursuing a lien sale, a third party has purchased a lien or an independent contractor is preparing a lien, our firm can provide accurate advice and assistance to address the tax liabilities and provide you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of the tax system.

lien consultant. “But that will have a bearing on our decision.”

“The other element is the legal process. This could end up taking a long time. There are two possibilities—the city and St. Eustache could enter into a settlement or the parish could pursue legal action.”

“We don’t have the resources or manpower to keep fighting the parish’s claims,” said Mayor Ménard. “It’s a question of public relations. We are no longer interested in maintaining this court action.”

Kassner was quick to point out, however, that the decision by the city did not reflect the fact that the town could still go to court.

“We have to discuss this. It is clear that the city is in no mood to go to court. A settlement would be more amicable and just. It would save us all time and money,” said Kassner.

Both city councilors had already made plans to go on a European vacation for August. “I don’t see any way we can get it done before the vacation,” said Leblanc. “Now that we are not going to be involved, we are going to move toward settlement.

“The parish’s approach is to put as much pressure on the city as possible. We want to have a settlement that the city would not be able to back out of later,” added Leblanc. “That’s what we are going to concentrate on. I have been approached by several people from the Catholic community in the Saguenay who are interested in buying a church. The city of Saguenay is a very close-knit community and it’s easier to have a private sale.”

Nearing the end of the council meeting, Kassner reminded the chamber of the fact that the decision would be carried out by the mayor, then immediately appointed mayor, Robert Blais. “The city’s council has already spoken on this matter. It is now your turn. The mayor is waiting,” said Kassner.

Blais then put the issue to a vote.

“The council makes its decision, it is final,” said Blais.

The majority of councilors immediately affirmed the council’s decision to give the site to the parish. The former Anglican Church of St. Agnes at 622 Notre-Dame Street had been condemned as unsafe after heavy rains flooded the sanctuary and basement. The new Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception will be erected by the Immaculate Conception Archdiocese of Saint-Jean on that site.


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